Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Power of Worldview Altitude

Blog # 001

By Elijah Ignatieff

Audio Blog:

As we get closer to 2012, where the Mayan Calendar ends, and all other such prophecies aim to end (eg. Hopi, Revelations), we feel the quickening of time. As more and more events happen faster and faster, our internal timing mechanisms shift. Some call it the Quickening, some call it Rapture, some call it Blissing Out, Some call it the End of the World.

Whatever the case may be we are going through some sort of change or maybe even a transformation at a very rapid pace, and yet so slow that we can’t even see it.

Some see it.

Some are riding at the front of the wave and have been for a number of years. The pioneers, the explorers who decided to go beyond the current thought, beliefs, and assumptions of the NORM and ventured into the unknown.

For the unknown is really where it is at. At least if you admit you don’t know, then you may be able to see what is actually going on rather than using the out dated language system of the past to try to make sense of something going on in a much different context.

Timelessness all the time? Do you understand that? Do you understand that you are being driven by your potential which is actually perfect and in HYPERSPACE?


What about the High Self, or the Soul? How do they relate to the Full Potential Self? And where do all the levels in Ken Wilber’s Spiral Dynamics come in?

What about God being an Angry God and you were going to hell if you ....what...masturbated? Shit!

Does this mean I am in the wrong lifetime? Did you put my idol somewhere? I thought we weren’t allowed to speak my own language. If I confess my sins I am fully off the hook? God doesn’t approve of __________. I am God. You are God. But they are not God. God is everywhere. Go is nowhere. God is all that is. God is beyond form. You must do this ____ and this _____ to please God or else (no matter where he/she/it is)!

At what point do beliefs get kind of funny? When you ask someone if they really believe what they just said in such a way that the person knows you think they are idiot for believing that but nobody says nuthin’ cause that’s the way it is.

So that we do not totally freak each other out with our suspect beliefs we have devised a system to group beliefs into WORLDVIEWS. We name some of them RELIGIONS and they become a thought structure to perceive reality through.

If you don’t understand what was just said, then you are trapped in the current WORLDVIEW you are in. How can you be objective without understanding other WORLDVIEWS? How do you even know what your WORLDVIEW is until you have spent some time in someone else’s and then CHOOSE for yourself what to believe?

This is what is meant as WORLDVIEW ALTITUDE. Being able to move upwards towards a more unifying consciousness and to see the other WORLDVIEWS for what they are: language structures to perceive reality.

In religions you add in the different interpretations of GOD and Worldviews can get even funnier. Funny in a funny kind of way, not in a weird kind of way. Because we human beings are the comedy channel for the universe and they get a lot of laughs. And to think we are not being observed is part of the funniness.

We seem to be exceedingly dumb as a species but we also have some sort of ingenuity that is about to burst exponentially forth as we learn to truly collaborate on the web.

For that is the next step and it has to be done now and it has to be done by those people that truly want to create a peaceful harmonious place for all. A place with a tolerance for multiple and diverse worldviews.

If you give everyone food, water, shelter, clothes, work and love you would see a much different world. And especially the love part. If all of the major RELIGIONS speak of it, why isn’t it demonstrating itself in the treatment of the people of the planet and of the planet itself?

And yet for some reason people continue to hold beliefs in their WORLDVIEW that there is no love...so there isn’t. We carry beliefs from our childhood weaved into our cultural conditioning, patterned in school and then into the work world. Who knows who we really are?

People go to workshops, psychologists, groups, books, gurus and all such external help to cure the one nagging feeling within nearly all...where is this love?

And each WORLDVIEW attempts to answer this question. Many prophets came before and had the keys to the puzzle of evolving human consciousness to a point of SELF-REALIZATION and outside of the prison we are currently trapped within.

If you do not view the current collective consciousness as a prison then you are still in it. You have to break free but this doesn’t mean you will be blissing out all the time, it actually means you are out in left field alone and without many people (or anyone) to talk to. Unless someone has wrenched you free, but even then you have to face it yourself. At the end of the day you are alone within your own mind.

So you wrench yourself free, you see the cultural conditioning and traps that everyone seems to be in. The lack of love. Then what?

Again the problem becomes that you cannot talk to anyone about it in a way that really makes sense in the long run. Your family and friends are distant and can’t understand what you are going through. Part of breaking away is breaking free from their expectations of who they think you are.

Rise above your Worldview, for it is just the mind. The mind is the trap so you can’t use it to get out of the trap. You can give it something to do, but you have to be the master. The mind has to stop controlling you through the programmed WORLDVIEW. If you can’t see the beliefs of your WORLDVIEW within a sea of choices, then you are always going down the same channels, preordained but certainly not going upwards with any true freedom of choice.

For its all about altitude as the Eastern Masters might suggest. To switch from thinking to being and to know the difference. To know how to break free of limited thinking and get to a place of knowing because you are in a state of being that transcends whatever use to be a problem.

Just something to think about.